There has been much ado lately in the media and on social networking sites over house concerts. This week Chris Foley of The Collaborative Piano Blog wrote a great post on the subject including links and resources.

More than a few of my colleagues have been involved locally in organizing and/or playing house concerts over the years. Some of these concerts have featured a single soloist or group and some showcase several performers. One pianist I know had a contract with a couple to perform a specified number of programs in their home for a number of years.

Traditionally, there are many reasons for organizing such performances. Teachers introduce young performers to groups of supportive listeners, professional groups, such as orchestras, offer intimate programs as fundraising tools, performers try out new programs in low stress settings, and those with varied careers, who still place a priority on performing, are able to communicate and connect on their terms.

Chris pointed out in his post that the new part here is the cottage industry aspect—entrepreneurs are booking professional performers for home circuits with fees collected as cover charges. Many aspects of our society have become so impersonal that perhaps this is evidence of a sea change. In the world of food, chefs are organizing similar events in order to share their food and philosophy more intimately.

At this point classical musicians have not become as active in the home performing circuits as musicians from other genres. Why? One of the reasons given by Anne Ku, in her paper House Concerts for Art Music, was that classical musicians train for large more impersonal venues and may not be comfortable in more intimate settings.

Sounds like an opportunity for musicians who flourish in intimate settings to me. These musicians often find themselves without a fulfilling performing component to their careers. I say, perhaps this ability to be intimate is itself a musical talent that should be nurtured—and heard.

Here’s a link to the House Concerts and 21st Century Touring blog.
