Artist Portrait: Adam Gyorgy
Adam Gyorgy grinned as we began our Skyping. I could imagine that he had just bounded into the room. “ I’m sorry we are late. I was at Carnegie Hall…
One Year Later: What’s Your Policy?
Saturday January 8, 2011 was a sad day in Tucson and for the country. The massacre took place at the Safeway where my family shopped for many years. One of…
PA Shorts: Ye Olde Rules
Whew! All the end of term and holiday recital craziness is past us. Years ago I read a group of entertaining rules of performance etiquette in the style of Jolly…
PA Shorts: Sound Images
It’s that time of year again—time for the college fall recital. We always try to do something unique and different (put on a show) so that the audience is glad…
Playing With Wolfgang 1.1: Clara & Robert Sitting In A Tree
I have always secretly had it in for Clara Schumann. There was that Trio that I was forced to work on for an entire semester and then there is the…
PA Shorts: Body of Work
At dinner the other night, my friend Ann told me how impressed she had been with her Granddaughter’s piano hands during a Skype call that morning. Later in the day,…
Gaps, Crevices, & Canyons
I have posted a lot about filling in what is missing from our student’s backgrounds, but, this week I got to thinking about our own gaps, crevices, and canyons. We…