Piano Maker’s Corner: Ability and Pin Blocks
Did you know that pianos have ability? Pianos are usually tuned to A440 (normal pressure). If they can’t be tuned to that, they are tuned to the best of their…
Piano Maker’s Corner: A Truly Moving Tale
This month, Daniel Ley tells us the tale of an unusual piano delivery he once made. This story made me think again about how we never know who our music…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Escape Velocity
This month Daniel Ley answers reader John R.'s questions, "What is the escapement? Is there one on every key? Do I need to have it adjusted every year?" Daniel also gives…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Moving Day!
For Ley Piano Company, piano moving in Tucson, Arizona can be a laborious task, especially during the scorching summers. However, as you can imagine, not all moves are the same.…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Jigs & Seasoned Wood
Many of you have asked for more on the process of designing and manufacturing a new brand of American pianos. Today Daniel talks about some of the everyday things and the…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Built To Be Played
This month a reader posed the following question for Daniel. I love his answer (and my piano). One caveat: Pianos are designed to stand up to different types of playing. Not all…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Outside Of Mere Prevention
One of my students was complaining to me about the action on her piano. The instrument is from the bargain line of a well know, high end, builder of pianos. Later in…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Buying, Selling, & Reconditioning
Today, Daniel Ley talks about the monetary vs. intrinsic value of a piano and makes a funny on pins. There are many things that factor into a pianos value. Some are…