Vintage PA: The Sandbox
Sandbox Rules Share your toys Play Fair Don't hit people Put things back where you found them Don't whisper about other people in the sandbox or after you leave Clean…
Vintage PA: It Sounded Better At Home
"The really exciting part," said Eeyore in his most melancholy voice, "is that when I left it this morning it was there, and when I came back it wasn't.” We…
Vintage PA: Pedal to the Metal
Pedal Signs Remember the old Bugs and Daffy cartoons where Bugs repeatedly tricks Daffy into saying “Shoot me now, shoot me now” and finally when Daffy realizes the trick he…
Vintage PA: Ogres Are Like Onions
In the middle of a lesson a few weeks ago, I found myself saying, “Musical works are like onions.” There was no laugh or questioning look. My student simply sat…
Vintage PA: Block Towers
I love it when another blogger jogs my memory and I think, “Oh I need to tell everyone about this other thing that my students and I do.” Well, it…
Vintage PA: How Charlie Brown Helped My Career
When I was in middle school I was asked to play a solo in the winter program. It was a big honor. My teacher and I worked hard on my…
Vintage PA: Holiday Piano Mega Listening
Merry Christmas to everyone and many, many thanks for reading! Here are a few gems to keep you in the holiday spirit. Blessings to you all! Anderson & Roe: Sleigh…
Playing With Wolfgang: A Romantic Accusation 2
“You’re a romantic!” said my teacher in a surprised voice, as though this explained everything he found perplexing about me. I had never been accused of being anything but a…