Guest Post: Sara Zanussi, A Tanzanian Adventure
In this post we adventure vicariously with Sara Zanussi. Sara is just back from a year spent teaching piano and music in Arusha Tanzania. When I asked her how she…
Reach Out & Touch Someone: The Value of eMentoring
How can I better help my students understand why they should keep playing and studying through high school and beyond and also help them develop realistic expectations about the role…
Finding Inspiration
It is human nature to have a gut belief that everyone finds musical inspiration just as you do. The way we operate is just so intrinsic to who we are…
In Your Face Two
Remember the old story about the class of young music students who were told by the teacher that they must all comment after each other’s performances, and, they must always…
In Your Face!
I was catching up on some podcasts this week during my weekly commute to EAC when I became enthralled by a segment from To The Best Of Our Knowledge: Creative…
Gaps, Crevices, & Canyons
I have posted a lot about filling in what is missing from our student’s backgrounds, but, this week I got to thinking about our own gaps, crevices, and canyons. We…
Change, Change, Change
In my capacity as QOTS (you had to be there- if not, see my Essential Skills Series) I quite often need to be the instigator of radical change in my…