Ogres Are Like Onions: Listening to Layers
In the middle of a lesson a few weeks ago, I found myself saying, “Music is like onions.” There was no laugh or questioning look. My student simply sat and…
Essential Skills for the Transferring Developing Pianist: Part 3
This just in from QoTS: the third installment of essential skills that most middle intermediate to advanced transfer students would do well to develop. Memory 101 Use theory to help…
Essential Skills for the Transferring Developing Pianist: Part 2
I have been dubbed QoTS (OK, you had to be there--alternatively you can read the first post on this subject). Here is the second installment of essential skills that most…
Essential Skills for the Transferring Developing Pianist
I am the queen of transfer students. I live in an area where there is a lot of moving in and out and, of course, college students are inherently transfer…
Wrap Up: Learning Style Series
Teachers Have Learning Styles Too! (Jewler & Gardner, 1993) If you: Make decisions after finding out what others think /Are active, energetic, and like having others around / Prefer activities that include…
Learning Styles: Perceivers ~ Judgers
This is the fourth post in our series about the four learning style pairs of Isabel Meyers-Briggs and how they apply to music teaching and learning. Do you have an…
Learning Styles: Thinking ~ Feeling
Brad is a Thinker Brad values logic and organization. He has difficulty reviewing musical performances, creative work or prose because of their subjective nature. Brad excels at tasks such as…
Learning Styles: Intuitives ~ Sensers
This is the second in our series about the four learning style pairs of Isabel Meyers-Briggs and how they apply to music teaching and learning. (see Learning Styles: Introversion ~…