Occupational Octaves: Do People With Autism…?
Hi there again. It's Lee welcoming you back for our next Occupational Octaves column! After a very, very long two-part introductory blog, it’s time for me to focus on my…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Ability and Pin Blocks
Did you know that pianos have ability? Pianos are usually tuned to A440 (normal pressure). If they can’t be tuned to that, they are tuned to the best of their…
Occupational Octaves: Revolutionizing Piano for Special Learners Part 2
Hey friends, welcome back to the Occupational Octaves Column! Once again, my name is Lee Stockner and I am the creator, owner and president of Occupational Octaves Piano™, the first…
Piano Maker’s Corner: Piano Company Trivia
This piano company not only makes pianos and their own reed organs, but they also create furniture for the home and office. They have also produced a popular line of…
Playing With Wolfgang: A Romantic Accusation 2
“You’re a romantic!” said my teacher in a surprised voice, as though this explained everything he found perplexing about me. I had never been accused of being anything but a…
Occupational Octaves: Revolutionizing Piano for Special Learners Part 1
My name is Lee Stockner and I am the inventor of the first true and fully functional special needs, user-friendly musical language, the publisher of an 8-book piano curriculum, and…
Piano Maker’s Corner: A Truly Moving Tale
This month, Daniel Ley tells us the tale of an unusual piano delivery he once made. This story made me think again about how we never know who our music…
Playing With Wolfgang: Stories, Images, Colors, & Characters
"What is going on in this passage?", asked my new teacher. I responded by giving him what I thought was a crackerjack harmonic analysis. "Yes, he said but why?" I…