Essential Skills for the Transferring Developing Pianist
I am the queen of transfer students. I live in an area where there is a lot of moving in and out and, of course, college students are inherently transfer…
SuiteVideos: The Return
In this SuiteVideos: opera, piano duos, commercials, a surprising lullaby, comedy, and more! What happens when friends make a commercial for you Operas in 10 minutes Satie meets Brubeck Madden…
Ahhh… High School
I remember my high school years as being a busy and mostly happy time. At last, I could incorporate music and theater into my school curriculum and into my after…
Andras Schiff: Complete Beethoven Sonata Lecture Series- Haydn too!
Pianist András Schiff has completed his monumental lecture recital series covering all 32 of Beethoven's piano sonatas. This is a great resource for all: students, teachers, performers, & avocational players.…
Wrap Up: Learning Style Series
Teachers Have Learning Styles Too! (Jewler & Gardner, 1993) If you: Make decisions after finding out what others think /Are active, energetic, and like having others around / Prefer activities that include…
You might be amused by these videos all involving pianos--played in novel ways, smashed, & blown up. Suite! What happens to bad trades Nora the piano cat English Trebuchet Superglue…
Learning Styles: Perceivers ~ Judgers
This is the fourth post in our series about the four learning style pairs of Isabel Meyers-Briggs and how they apply to music teaching and learning. Do you have an…
You can't possibly hear the last movement of Beethoven's Seventh and go slow. Oscar Levant (talking his way out of a speeding ticket) Get up from that piano you're hurtin'…