Contact the Piano Addict Herself

Welcome! My name is Gail Fischler and I am the chief cook and bottle washer here at Piano Addict.
Please send questions or messages concerning future PA content via the Piano Addict accounts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. The links to my PA feeds are on every PA page. For more about myself and our other PA columnists, check out About / Meet Our PA Columnists at the top of this page.
I care about all of my current and future students and their families. My Fistful of Notes Studio is now completely online and properly distanced. To inquire about online lessons & teacher mentoring, please send me a message via PA social media.
Please note: I love to share new teaching tools, sites, and stories of artistic journeys on Piano Addict. Unfortunately, it doesn’t pay the bills. I participate in selected affiliate programs. From time to time, I do publish links and content for which I am compensated. That said, material published on PA is chosen based on PA’s mission and readership. Chosen content may be published as a post or shared on social media accounts. Editorial decisions are final.
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