Reads to Gift This Season: Part 2, Kids

Welcome to Part 2 of my book pics for this season—kids edition. Here you’ll find a selection of favorite books for children chosen by our kids and grands, as well as music students, and parents. You know when kids ask for a book again and again (and parents have it memorized) that it’s a keeper.
Included are works of fiction and non-fiction. The books are in no particular order. Enjoy! (PS; We will not judge you if you should happen to gift some of these to your own studio)
Picture Books
- Because, Willems, 2019
- Here Come the High Notes, Marka, 2019
- The Little Piano Girl: The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Ingalls & Macdonald, 2010
- What a Wonderful World, Thiele & Weiss, 2014
- The Music of the Sea, Isern & Chicote, 2017
- Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo, Lithgow, 2013
- M is for Melody: A Music Alphabet, Wargin & Larson, 2006
- The Bear, the Piano, the Dog, and the Fiddle, Litchfield, 2019
- The Bear and the Piano, Litchfield, 2016
Novels for Older Kids
- The Composer is Dead, Snickett & Ellis, 2009
- Echo: A Novel, Ryan, 2019
- Dragonsong, McCaffrey, 2003
- Dragonsinger, McCaffrey, 2003
Stories Plus Scores/CDs
- The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Piano, Cline and Oliver, 2015
- The Carnival of the Animals, Prelutsky, 2010
- Frog Trouble and Eleven Other Pretty Serious Songs, Boynton 2013
- Grunt: Pigorian Chant from Snouto Domoinko de Silo, Boynton, 1996
- Blue Moo: 17 Jukebox Hits from Way Back Never, Boynton, 2007
- Philadelphia Chickens: a Too-Illogical Zoological Musical Revue, Boynton, 2002
Music History and Composers
- Why Beethoven Threw the Stew, Isserlis, 2001
- Why Handel Waggled His Wig, Isserlis, 2006
- Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (and What the Neighbors Thought), Krull, 2013