PA Shorts: Sound Images
It’s that time of year again—time for the college fall recital. We always try to do something unique and different (put on a show) so that the audience is glad they came and the performers have something to focus on besides just getting the notes right.
In the past, our programs have included dueling piano comedy, PDQ Bach, and Piano Puzzler style variations. This semester, each student chose an image to be projected during their performance.
Here are some examples. The images depict Chopin, Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1, Nocturne Op. 72 No. 1, & Waltz in E Minor Op. Post. / Liszt, Gnomenreigen, Kent Kennan Prelude No. 1, Beethoven Sonata Op. 14 No. 1 II Allegretto, Judith Lang Zaimont, Serenade, and Debussy, Prelude from Suite Bergamasque. Can you guess which picture goes with which piece? The answers are at the bottom of this post.

The process of going from score, to sound, to image was invigorating for some and a total stretch for others. Those students who are the most verbally oriented (voice majors, those who sing in choirs, etc.) had the toughest time conceiving of their piece inwardly and then visually. I discovered a lot about how my students viewed their pieces and was able to better help them communicate their personal views.
Everybody used images from various downloaded under common distribution licenses or their own personal photos. Nobody took me up on the suggestion that they create original artwork. As a result of this project we’ve decided to include a new page in our wiki, The Musical Adjectives Project, matching pieces and images. Look for it soon!
Answers: 1. Zaimont Serenade / 2. Prelude from Suite Bergamasque / 3.Waltz in E Minor / 4. Gnomenreigen / 5. Kennan Prelude 1 /
6. Nocturne Op. 72 No. 1 / 7. Beethoven Allegretto Op. 14 No. 1 / 8. Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1